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Class 0 Mention B "arts, entertainment, media", "marine culture and aquaculture", fishing and underwater harvest "and" techniques, science and other interventions "


Obtain the Certificate of Aptitude Hyperbaria Class 0 Mention B
"arts, shows, media", "marine culture and aquaculture", 
fishing and underwater harvests "and" techniques, science 
and other interventions ": interventions in the air until
at 12 meters deep.


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Price on request (according to staff)
Degistration folder
Duration 5 days Price accommodation and restoration
- according to request
Program and prices of all courses INPP
Class I Mention B "arts, entertainment, media", "marine culture and aquaculture", fishing and underwater harvesting "and" techniques, science and other interventions "

Obtain the Certificate of Aptitude Hyperbaria Class I Mention B: "arts, shows, media", "marine culture and aquaculture", fishing and underwater harvests "and" techniques, science and other interventions ": interventions to the air up to 30 meters deep.

Learn more of this course

Price on request (according to staff)
Registrar Folder
Duration : 10 days
- According to request
Program and prices of all courses INPP
Class II Mention B "arts, shows, media", "marine culture and aquaculture", fishing and underwater harvesting "and" techniques, science and other interventions "

Obtain the Certificate of Aptitude for Hyperbaria Class II Mention B, "arts, shows, media", "marine culture and aquaculture", fishing and underwater harvesting "and" techniques, science and other interventions ", interventions in the air up to 50 meters.

Lear more of this course

Price on request (according to staff)
Registrar folder
Durating 10 days
according to request
Accommoding price and restoration
according to request
Program and prices of all courses INPP
Class III Mention B - Mixed gas diving> 50 m "arts, shows, media", "marine culture and aquaculture", fishing and underwater harvests "and" techniques, science and other interventions "

Obtain the Certificate of Aptitude Hyperbaria Class III Mention B "arts, shows, media", "marine culture and aquaculture", fishing and harvest underwater "and" techniques, science and other interventions "for the acquisition of skills for prepare, organize, evaluate and prevent the safety of a hyperbaric intervention with immersion beyond 50m

Learn more of this course

Price avcording to request (according to number)
Registrar folder
Durating 10 days Accommoding prices and restoration
according to request
Program and prices of all courses INPP


Qualification spécifique "Prises de vues subaquatiques"

Obtenir les compétences nécessaires à l’exécution de Prises de Vues Subaquatiques pour l’aptitude à l’hyperbarie Classe I Mention B.

En savoir plus sur ce stage

Tarif sur demande (selon effectif)
Dossier d'inscription
Durée Tarif Hébergement - Restauration
- Suivant demande
Programme et tarifs de tous les stages INPP
Qualification spécifique "Scientifique"

Obtenir les compétences nécessaires à l’exécution spécifique des interventions scientifiques pour l’Aptitude à l’Hyperbarie Classe I Mention B.

En savoir plus sur ce stage

4095 euros HT
Dossier d'inscription
2 semaines
Tarif Hébergement - Restauration
- Suivant demande
Programme et tarifs de tous les stages INPP
Qualification spécifique "Structures aquacoles - Sécurité"

Obtenir les compétences nécessaires à l’exécution spécifique de structures aquacoles immergées pour l’Aptitude à l’Hyperbarie Classe I Mention B.

En savoir plus sur ce stage

Tarif sur demande (selon effectif)
Dossier d'inscription
Durée Tarif Hébergement - Restauration
- Suivant demande
Programme et tarifs de tous les stages INPP

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